Monday, May 30, 2011

What if American Indians were frat stoners who followed phish around.

The Whitest Kids You Know have a series called The Civil War On Drugs that I just found out about; because, I am generally ignorant of all things cool and awesome. I just watched part 7, and it was funny as hell; so, here ya go.

What if the thing you cared about most during the civil war was keeping pot legal, and American Indians were 50% douche and 50% hippie.

My favorite part:
Dude1: "What, you mean that crazy horse that attacked you?"
Dude2: "Wassup, bro? You callin me?"
Dude1: "Oh no bro. I meant some horse that is crazy... Sorry bro."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Russians Be Crazy.....Have nice day.

So this guy (FPSRussia) Shoots a shit load of guns and puts the videos up on you tube. Sounds simple, yes, but then he went and got pepper sprayed/maced. It is really horrible stuff and the effects come on so fast I am amazed he went back for a second dose. I saw him get sprayed the first time and though ohhhh shit. Then went back for another shot and I almost gave myself an aneurysm I laughed so hard. The world got dark and everything. Check him out.

I have a KelTech Sub2000 as well, but mine is a 9mm. They are as awesome as he makes them out to be, especially for the price relative to other pistol caliber rifles.

His channel is fairly awesome and by no means a diamond in the rough. He gets shit loads of views most of which make him look way cooler than he looks when being maced. Like for instance shooting an AA-12 full auto 12 gauge machine shotgun.

P.S. I linked to the most Like A Boss moment in the video. You are welcome. The whole video is worth watching if you like guns, but the end is fucking Uber! Have nice day... ya, I'm gonna be saying that now.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Whitest Kids You Know

They are hilarious. Evidence is posted below. Nuff said.

10 episodes of season season 4 are available on netflix.

DJO - Happy in Paraguay doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to.

You have probably seen this. 1.7 million people have. It is by no means new, but still, fucking hilarious. It's STNG dubbed over with hilarity. It's magnificently nonsensical.

I can't believe I didn't post this first.

So this guy is Rep. Hank Johnson (D) from Georgia. I have heard a lot of excuses for why he says what he says, but the bottom line is that this is not the first time he has said something basically unbefuckingleavable. He actually goes on and on after this. There are much longer videos if you want to make sure he wasn't taken out of context. The amazing part is, a whole district elected that guy to congress. FUCK! "least widest" WTF!!!! Someone actually said he has a brain disorder that essentially makes him temporarily insane. Maybe don't elect the "temporarily" crazy guy.... just sayin.
My Favorite part: The Admirals reaction. He has a WTF look for a split second before he realizes that guy is serious.

Old but still funny.

So this is pretty much a bunch of old stuff I thought was funny. Yes, you have probably seen them before, but you know... still funny. Let the hilarity enema begin!

I could have phrased that better... Um. Here is a pile of funny shit!

C.I.L.F. (Cartoons I'd Like to F***) by Zach Selwyn
This guy is great. He used to work for Attack Of The Show. With 1.2 million views, more people have seen this video than the average AOTS. Still a good show. It's just on the wrong network. Maybe NBC will buy a clue and move it over to SyFy so it can have some viewers.

Man in the Box - Sexual Euphemisms
This girl doesn't understand sexual euphemisms. Man in the Box never got a lot of viewers, but it was way funnier than most of the crap on youtube. Plus. She's really cute, so .. that helps.
My favorite line: "My family raised livestock too. I'd love to see your hog."

Man in the Box - Sexual Euphemism 2
Greg isn't sure how much more he can take of Laura just not getting it.

Snakes On A Plane Early Auditions
So this guy is pretty fucking funny. He does great impressions of Joe Pesci, Jack Nicholson, Beaker, and the coolest white man alive Christopher Walken.

My favorite Line: (As Joe Pesci)"Look at dis, I got fucking snakes all over my vomiting bag and shit."

News people are basically perverts with censors.

It's almost like they sit there thinking "don't say cock. don't say cock. Don't say cock...FUCK!... FUCK again!

It's funny when people get hurt... Ironically this guy is talking about how durable the product is. If you don't laugh, you are a better person than I.

Twilight Spoof with Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn - AOTS
Kevin and Olivia tell a vamp lover what you are supposed to do with vampires.

Haha, Cover story fail.

Vader Should be in every thing.

RvB Fire safety tip: Diffuse the fire by spreading it to your friends

Friday, May 13, 2011


Okay so this guy is fucking awesome... Yes he's developmentally disabled.

Best parts: "Attack" and "everything"

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's not funny till you do the math

So I was looking at my bill and decided to look for a new cell rpovider.. I was knocking around on Sprint's sight when I saw this:

What if I don't get a Data pack?

You'll be charged 3¢/KB. Be careful! Extra charges can add up fast, especially if you watch TV or listen to streaming music on your phone.

Did ya catch that 3 cents per KB? That's $3 for 300KB (a decent sized picture or doc file) and $30 for 1 megabyte. Ya.. Be fucking careful when watching TV shows and listening to music. That new Ludacris song is gonna cost you $90 to listen to. Streaming an episode of Fringe for 42 minutes would probably be around $3000.00. Should I buy a used car or see what Mulder and Skully 2.0 are up to. Watch the season or buy a FUCKING HOUSE??????

Ya, it's probably a typo, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it wasn't

Just in case you aren't up on all that B, KB, MB stuff
1 KB (Kilobyte) = 1024 bytes mostly everyone rounds to 1000
1 MB (Megabyte) = 1024 KB mostly everyone rounds to 1000

so if
1KB = $0.03 cents
100KB = $3.00
1MB = $30.00
Typically an MP3 from runs around 3MB. download that through Sprint's 3cents per KB system and 3000KB (3MB) worth of music costs $90.

Is it fucked up that I kind of hope it isn't a typo?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Epic Rap Battles of History: Stephen Hawking Vs. Albert Einstein

OK this is pretty fucking funny.. Nice Peter has a whole series of these, obviously. He also makes picture songs which are also sometimes funny.

Hitler Vs Darth Vader is also awesome.

The next one will supposedly be Napoleon dynamite...vs. Napoleon Bonaparte

Albert Einstein(we have the same birthday) Vs. Stephen Hawking
My favorite part: "Have a seat Stephen oh I see you brought your own."

President Obama Talking about "warefare rugby"

Love him or hate him, if he had made the announcement of OBL's death like this, like he said "that'll be 2 terms please... Thank you"

The Setup: So this guy does a pretty good President Obama Impression. This is his original announcement of OBL's death. If you wanna skip the intro, go to :55 in. It's fairly awesome. Personally I think the run up to the song is worth it.

One of the best things: "It's lights out for the hide and seek champion."